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it's december

This post is likely not what you're expecting. While December 1st marks the beginning of a busy month of celebrating, family, friends, and holiday cheer, this year it also means that Pete's surgery is just around the corner.

December 7th WILL be a day of infamy for our family in 2010. We're having Pete's thumb removed that day. If you're new and are wondering what the heck I'm talking about, click here to catch up.

Sounds harsh, but I have to believe it's for the best. Since he has no functional bone in his left thumb, he has absolutely no control over it. So he can't move it to get it out of the way of a drawer, car door, hammer, etc. And it's the teeny, tiniest thing ever. I'm actually amazed that we haven't accidentally pulled it off. I mean that literally.

But it's hard. What's the first thing you do when a baby is born? Count fingers and toes. And even though it's tiny, he was born with 10. And now he'll have 9. As his Mama, my heart breaks because I know that there's teasing to come down the road. No way to get around it.


In addition, the doctor is going to try to give him some mobility in his permanently bent ring finger and also reposition his hand at the wrist to give him a bit more functionality. It's all outpatient, and our surgeon is A-MAZ-ING. I have the utmost confidence in him.

But still. They're knocking my 8 month old out, doing all kinds of cutting, he's going to be in pain when he wakes up, and he'll be in a sling for a month. A MONTH. I'm sure that'll get old real quick.

Up until now, I've really avoided thinking about this whole surgery deal. But now I can't avoid it. I'm trying to keep calm, not stress, and not worry about things I can't control. I'm turning to Scripture to help me accomplish this. Philippians 4:6 says (and I'm paraphrasing) "Don't worry about anything. Pray about everything. Tell God what you need and give thanks for all that He has done. Then you'll experience God's peace, which transcends all understanding."

Once again, I'm asking for prayers from you...for Pete, for the surgical team, for Emerson as lots of attention is showered on her brother, and for Jeff & I to have patience as Pete heals and learns how to function in the short term with his arm in a sling. Thanks so much!

Make it a good one~

1 comment:

LisaMarie said...

As a Mommy, I am in tears for you. You want so much for your kids to be safe and healthy and then something happens and you wonder, "Is it going to be okay?" Well, you know in your heart it is but it still makes you anxious! He will definitely blow your expectations out of the water! This is going to make him a strong, amazing, successful young just wait and see! The hardest part of something like this is to lay your worries at God's feet, I know, but try....and just the trying will make you feel so much better. Love and prayers being sent to little Pete and his worried Mommy and Daddy. (And happy thoughts and prayers for Emerson to take all this very well, too.)

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