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We tried to have a normal day around here today on the eve of surgery. Grocery store, projects with Miss Em, laundry; you know, the usual Monday stuff. But Emerson was a bit different today. If you didn't know us very well, you might not have picked up on it, but I saw some things that made me realize that she is dealing with Pete's surgery in her own way.

* When he was fussy this morning as nap/bottle time approached, she gave him her Pluto stuffed animal to soothe him. Usually, she doesn't let him within 20 yards of one of her "buddies."

* When he woke from his am nap, he was crying. She went in there and did who-knows-what to make him laugh and giggle and forget his crabbiness. Like his own personal court jester. He adores his big sister.

* He had a crying spurt this afternoon (personally, I think he knows something is up!) and I said "Pete, do you need some snuggs?" She said "Mama, I will snug with him." And she did. She sat on the floor with his head in her lap and watched an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while rubbing his back. Oh. My. Goodness.

* Eventually, she was able to express that she will miss him while she's having a sleepover at Grammy & Grandpa's house, and that she wants to make a card for him. Such a kind girl.

* Upon arriving at G & G's, she announced to Kiwi the cat that "Pete is having some surgery, OK?" Just keeping everyone in the loop, I guess.

She also initiated a conversation that made me laugh while driving this afternoon.

E- "Mama, I want 10 babies."
me- "Ok, when you get married, you and your husband can have all the babies you want."
E- "No, I want YOU to have 10 babies."
me- "Well, I think we might be done having babies. But it's really up to God to decide. He's in charge of those decisions."
E- "Well, this time *I* will make the decision."

Let me know how that goes for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Am touched by the antics of little Emerson . What a kind hearted soul . May God bless both of them .Get well soon Pete .

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