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great hydration tip

I absolutely adore Disney Family Fun Magazine. It's loaded with great tips for parents of kids of all ages, and I can read the entire thing in the time it takes to dry my nails. Truly. This is great, because I barely even have time to pee right now. I'd love to share a quick one that I read last week.

We've been having a hard time getting Emerson to drink water...she's obsessed with juice and Gatorade and chocolate milk and all the other things-that-started-as-irregular-treats but have turned into Bad Habits. (I blame summer) She tends to go "on strike" and will hold out all day until you cave and give her some juice out of fear that she'll dry up and blow away.

One of the tips in the October issue suggested putting rubber bands on the bottom of your child's cup or glass. We're using some of our massive collection of Silly Bandz. Em starts the day with 3 bandz on her cup and is able to remove one each time she finishes a cup of water. Once all three are removed, she's free to choose her own drink. So far, it's working like a charm. Score one for Mama!

Woot Woot!


since we've last chatted...

  • I have turned 34
  • I've attended as many teacher's work days as student attendance days. It certainly seems that way...
  • I've hit somewhat of a stride with teaching and it feels good to be in the classroom
  • Pete has gotten wicked sick with a respiratory infection and has needed a nebulizer and steroids to keep his airways open. Hoping that we're not going down the Asthma route
  • Friends have given birth to Piper, Jack, Charlie, and Isabella (all in a 4 day span!)
  • Emerson has matured into an awesome, sweet, precocious 4 year-old. Well, she was probably already all of those things, but I have a new appreciation for her.
  • I signed up for a 9 mile race in just a few weeks. Now THAT'S motivation!
On a serious note, I'd love for you to take a few minutes to read this blog, called The Ekwall Expansion Project. It's written by a woman named Erin Ekwall, and details the amazing story of her son Jack's first tempestuous week of life. Erin's husband Johnny is a good friend to both Jeff and myself, and their family has been in our prayers since hearing Jack's heartbreaking birth story last week. I'll warn you that the first post that I linked is tough to read, but a week later, things are looking up. However, the Ekwalls could use your prayers, so please read and add them to your list :)


i’m so thankful

…for these smiling eyes. Some of the best stuff on earth, right here in my own front yard. It’s good to be me!

2011-10-01 14.49.29_Glen Ellyn_Illinois_US

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