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he’s a big man now!



We had some big doings around here last Friday. Pete is now officially in a “big boy” bed. This, of course, is still his crib but with the front removed. He’s just a shade over 2, which is younger than I would have liked, but he seemed to be ready so we went with it. Jeff was home with the kids on Friday and was the PIC (parent in charge) for that first nap. It went something like this:

Jeff said good night and walked out of Pete’s room.

Jeff heard the sound of Pete getting out of bed.

Pete’s monitor mysteriously turned off.

Pete’s doorknob amazingly started turning all by itself.

As Jeff walked down the hall to investigate, he heard all footsteps stop and then hysterical, mischievous giggling ensued from behind the door. He went in to lay down the law and wrangle Pete back into bed.


Repeat again.

Jeff drug out the pack & play and Pete’s nap commenced.

The good thing is that he was so stinkin tired that he fell right to sleep on Friday night and did a great job. He did, however, fall out of bed twice. The second time was at 3:30 in the morning, and when I went in there, the poor guy was standing next to his bed, totally dazed as to where he was and how he got there. I rocked with him for a minute or two and then put him back in bed and he said to me “I not fall out again, Mama. I not.” And you know what, he hasn’t fallen out since. That’s my boy!


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