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a thaw on the tundra

I know that the whole country has been in a deep freeze this week, so I'm not alone with my griping about the weather. But being stuck inside with a 17 month-old for any length of time is quite trying! We've played with play dough, blown bubbles, watched Jack's Big Music Show ad naseum on the Tivo, ridden the zebra, read books, done the laundry (Emerson really is getting to be quite the helper girl!), and played with ALL of our toys. This morning, she finally had it. She woke up and asked me if we could go outside. I think we're gonna give it a whirl after her nap. Some friends down the street called to see if we wanted to go sledding (with a toddler, "sledding" takes more time to get dressed than you actually spend outside, but at least it's something different!) Yesterday, the thermometer temperature was -30, but today it's +22, so that's a big improvement. And while it's not balmy out there by any stretch of the imagination, we take what we can get. So bring on the snowsuit, and let's have some fun outdoors!

Stay warm, wherever you are~

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