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not much to say

Hi all. I don't have a whole lot to say on this cold January Friday. The week has been not our best, but not our worst either. Jeff is about 98% mended, and Em is about 80% there. Her appetite has come back with a vengeance, which I interpret as a good sign. I'm still holding my own and am quite hopeful...well, I'm just not going to finish that thought, but you get the idea.

I do want to tell you that I have the BEST husband ever...Emerson woke at 5:30 yesterday morning and was up for good. I dragged my sorry self out of bed and tried to get her back to sleep, but I was grouchy, tired, and dreading the next 7 hours before nap time. Jeff came in, and sensing that I was at my breaking point, took over and told me to lock the door and go back to sleep. Mind you, he'd been sick himself for 2 days and had a LOAD of work waiting for him at the office. But he let me sleep until 7 {which is like noon in Mama time}, kept Emerson entertained, and went in a bit late to work.

Sigh. Now THAT'S hot.

Have a great weekend. We're supposed to get a heat wave...gonna be in the mid-thirties here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's hot!? Rarely do I hear that Jeff has any attractiveness. Glad to hear everyone is mending.


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