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on second thought...

...sledding was NOT a good idea. First off, we went with a big kid (gasp...a 3.5 year old!), so the hill was actually a REAL hill, complete with a mogul and hay bales to keep you inbounds. That was fine for Em's friend, but a bit daunting for our first real sledding trip. AND it was FREEZING. My car read 31 degrees, but it was really windy here today. I'd guess we were in the single digits for real-feel temp. Emerson and I went down once, almost crashed into the hay bales, and dumped off the sled. Oh so fun. Then she went down with Papa who used his legs in front of the sled to steer and brake. This kicked up a bunch of icy snow into her face, and I could hear her wailing from the top of the hill. Oh so much more fun. To top it off, her #*$%!#@ mittens would not stay on, so I had to keep taking mine off to put hers back on. I think we both had frostbite starting! That was it...two runs down the hill, and then I pulled the plug. I carried her screaming, cold self back to the car to thaw out while Jeff took a few more runs. In the future, I will not be joining them on their sledding expeditions. And we'll wait for a bit warmer temps before we try this again.

Oh well. Live and learn.

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

I agree. Sledding is no fun until kids are about 4. It's even better once they can carry their own sleds back up the hill..around age 6.

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