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life is beautiful...crazy, but beautiful

Howdy. I just have to tell you that I heard the best news about a friend today. The kind of news that gave me goosebumps, brought tears to my eyes, and has kept me smiling all day. Talk about an upper! I'm so happy for know who you are ;)

So, I've gone MIA again...It's been a whirlwind couple of days, hence my absence from the blogosphere. But all is well here. My college roomate and her son came for the weekend, so it was a crazy, loud, FANTASTIC weekend with 2 kiddos ruling the roost. And no sooner did she leave on Sunday, then I ended up at the hospital having contractions. Seeing that I'm only 33 weeks today, this was less than ideal, but we got them under control and all is well now. I plan on keeping this kiddo snug and warm inside for another few weeks at least. Add onto that a ton of trips coming my way for work, a newfound sense of nesting and baby preparations, and a 2.5 year old who has forgotten what the word "nap" means, and well, I just haven't had a lot of time to blog. But we're happy, healthy, and loving life around here. My number one priority is to devote as much time to my little girl as possible before her whole world turns upside down next month. And I hope to have lots of great pictures to share here soon.

Make it a great week~

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