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do you know what a doppelganger is?

Doppelganger. Say it with me- doppelganger. Just makes you giggle. It's one of my favorite words. In fact, I used it in conversation with my husband just last week. (I often get teased for my unusual vocabulary.) But do you know what it means?

I'll let you think for a second.

Ok, give up? A doppelganger is like a twin...someone who bears a striking resemblance to someone else. Could be someone famous, or just someone you saw at the grocery store. Over the years, I've been told that I look like lots of people, from celebrities to people around town. In fact, my cousin is convinced that I secretly live in Flagstaff.

Anyways, over on Facebook, I've heard that it's "doppelganger" week. Some people are posting a picture in their status of someone they've been told that they resemble. I wanted to share a few different options that I've heard before and get your feedback...


In 1993, someone stopped in JFK airport and asked for "my" autograph. In all fairness, I was wearing one of those stupid floppy hats with the flower on it, but still. It was a blow to my teenage self-esteem.

Next (although I only heard this from one friend, and there may have been alcohol involved... In fact, he's married to one of you regular readers!)

And lastly

Believe it or not, I've heard this from multiple, unrelated sources. I don't see it, but I'll gladly take it!

And here's the real me, for your comparison:

1 comment:

Adri said...

VERY entertaining! Are you referring to my Mikey???

I vote for Sandra Bullock. Although I would never think of it on my own, I do see the resemblence.

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