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take that, winter

This week, we've pulled out all the stops to beat the winter blues. On Tuesday, we headed downtown to meet our playgroup friends at the Aquarium. They're offering some free days this month, so it was a perfect opportunity to get away from the house for not a lot of dough. Emerson loved looking at the giant fish tanks, and even better, LOVED running around with her friends.

This kid is quite the tinkerer. She loves pushing buttons and was so pound to be big enough to reach.

Here's our playgroup friends. Such a fun group of moms & kiddos!

Today, we went to a local children's museum. I was a bit worried that the activities would be too "big" for Emerson, but I was pleasantly surprised. She LOVED exploring the sights and sounds, and most definitely the bubbles. We had a great time together, just us girls!

There is a room of musical instruments that the kids can bang on with mallets. Nice!

Babaloo!!!! Play it, girl!

There are GIANT peg boards lit up with black lights. Think life-sized Lite Brites. So cool!! This was my favorite thing of the day. Emerson would tell you that her favorite was the bubble room. At bedtime tonite, she was still saying "Pop! Pop!" The bubbles were HUGE and really thick, if that makes any sense. It was great fun until some soapy water splashed into her eye.

I love this picture of a blissfully happy hand splashing and popping bubbles. The black hose is an air hose that sits in the water and continuously blows bubbles. What a fun idea.

Hope you are having fun beating the winter blues, wherever you are!


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