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language explosion

So Mr. Pete is talking. Like really talking. Not in full sentences or anything, but he's making {at least some of} his thoughts known and it's so, SO cool. I had forgotten how amazing it is to be able to communicate with my child in these early stages.

Most of his words are proper nouns, but he has some others as well. Here's a few off the top of my head:

Mama- he uses this for me, Jeff, and Emerson. It's a bit confusing but so sweet.

Go- Jiko, our cat

Dah, dah, dah- Down, down, down, which he chants when I lower the shades in his room or shut (and come to think of it, open) the garage door.

Gah bah- golf ball. He is frequently found around town clutching one of his many golf balls.

ga GAH- I like to pretend this is "please," but it's probably more like "I WANT THAT!" He says it when he sees food, his bottle, or some fun toy.

AH dah- This is thank you. He'll hand you something and chant AH dah, AH dah. I guess he's a little mixed up on who is supposed to say thanks. Still, so sweet.

Gah Gah- Bye bye

Dah- dog

Minnie- he uses this for both Mickey and Minnie Mouse

Manny- Handy Manny

Danah- Donald Duck

Hi- hi

Haaoo?- hello

Ow- Ow, which he'll say after drawing blood on you with his fangs. He thinks this is really funny. I fail to see the humor in it.

And he's a mimic; if you bark, he'll bark. If you roar, he'll roar. And Emerson walks around pretending to sneeze. So Pete copies her. He can't do the "choo" yet, so it comes out "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ahhhhh. Seriously funny stuff.

And if you ask him how he's doing, he'll often respond "Gooh," which I swear is "good." He's the smartest baby ever. And it's SO awesome to be able to communicate with him as opposed to at him.

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