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a cacophony and a menagerie

It seems like my kids are both of these things of late; Pete is a cacophony of sounds and babbles and words and shrieks, while Emerson is a menagerie of animals, mostly stemming from The Bearnstein Bears and Franklin books. Today, I was Beaver and she was Franklin while we played baseball. Often, I'm Mama Bear or Mrs. Turtle. And she flip-flops between Jackrabbit, Sister Bear, Franklin, and Harriet quicker than you can catch on which story you're acting out. But I LOVE to see her imagination at work. I'm fairly certain that I used to have an imagination like that, once upon a time. Wonder at what point it faded to black?

Love these 2 pictures of the kiddos. They're totally, completely engrossed in Thomas on TV. I believe it's the only time either of them stopped moving all day. Pete was so captivated that his thumb and toes were flexed with excitement. So cute.

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