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would you like some cheese with that whine?

This is a question that has I've been pondering ad nauseum lately. So I'll flip it to you~ Why do children whine?

I have become aware during the last year or so that I essentially have a myna bird living in my house in the form of my darling Emerson. I've seen her pick up both cute and annoying habits and sayings of both Jeff and myself. But I can assure you that we don't whine. Sure, we may forget to say please with every inquiry, but we certainly don't whine to each other.

She doesn't go to daycare or preschool, so she's not getting it there. Sure, we play in public areas and of course, we encounter other whining kids from time to time, but is that enough for her to contract this nasty habit? If so, score another point for raising the kid in a bubble.

Just as a side note, when the whining gets unbearable {usually around lunchtime}, Emerson takes "a break" in her room. This is different from a timeout, and I remind her of that as we walk to her room. I sit her in the comfy rocking chair, give her a book or a stuffed animal, leave the door open, and I tell her that she is free to come out as soon as she feels under control. She holds the power, and there is no time requirement. It's just a chance to reload and try again. And so far, it's worked. My daily parenting mantra is "Love is patient. Love is kind." I feel that this "break" strategy works to that end.

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