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6 days

I know, I know. It's been 6 days since I last blogged. But it's been a busy, week, ok? I have finally gotten my energy back and am spending Emerson's naptimes actually DOING stuff. Here's what I've been up to this week~

I washed my car, cleaned out my closet, dug out all the maternity clothes (still not wearing the pants, thankyouverymuch, but I like the length of the tops so I do wear those), started a new business venture (more about that in a different post), tutored, grocery shopped, ran 7 miles (that's actually not a very good effort for me, but I missed a day), comforted a sick kiddo, had an OB appointment, got a flu shot, did 5 loads of laundry, made a huge pot of US Senate Bean Soup, read about 100 stories, ate countless plates of pretend food cooked by my personal chef Emerson, watched the Hawkeyes beat Arizona, started a Bible study on the book of Ester (it's a fascinating and short read. You should check it out.), baked brownies and cookies (I think I'm nesting early!), got a manicure, went to the pool, played at the park, drew on the driveway, and generally ran around like a crazy girl.

There you have it. The week in a nutshell.

I PROMISE to post some Project 365 pictures later this week.
Make it a good week~

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