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sick kiddo

So for the second week in a row, Emerson has suddenly spiked a fever of over 101. This morning, she was fine, playful, even jumping around, which is par for the course for her. But we visited a friend with a brand new baby (I'm SO SORRY, DI!), and on the way home she asked for her binky. I can't tell you the last time she did that. Then, at the grocery store, I noticed monster goosebumps on her legs. I even commented that I was surprised she was so cold. When we got home, she was shaking because she was so cold and her head was burning up. She started crying inconsolably, and couldn't even talk because she was so upset. Poor little thing...I think she just felt like absolute crap!

Yesterday was one of the worst days we've had in a while; she was out and out combative with me and was, to put it politely, a stinker. In hindsight, I think it may have been the start of this whateveritis that she has. My mom tells me that I used to turn into the spawn of Satan right before I'd get sick. Now there's a family trait I could have done without.

Last week, the Doc said we had Coxsackie virus, or "pool sickness" as he called it. Blisters on the back of her throat, temp, runny nose, cough, but nothing serious. She's still been draining, but I thought it was just lingering, but now I don't know. Any of you had experience with this (MEGAN: I'M TALKING TO YOU...I consider you the expert in sick kids!) Overall, she's a pretty healthy kid, so I REALLY don't like fevers 2 weeks in a row.

Prayers for a speedy recovery would be most welcome :)


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