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a vast improvement

Several of you have asked about our sleeping situation...thanks for asking! We are MUCH better these days. After 5 or 6 days of hysterical screaming at nap and bedtime, Emerson decided that it's much more relaxing to just snuggle up with her "buddies"...AKA Mickey & Minnie...and drift off to sleep. And her Mama and Papa couldn't agree more. It's such a relief to have that behind us. And, Em has woken up twice in the middle of the night in the last few days, but we didn't have to go in AT ALL!!! So it's already paid off for us.

An interesting side effect: her afternoon naps have gotten shorter, from 3 down to 2 hours, but she's sleeping 11 hours overnight and wakes up b/w 7 & 7:30 am. For a girl who spent the early part of 2009 waking b/w 5-6:30, this is amazing! In fact, I got to sleep in until 7am both days this weekend.

{I DO realize that "sleep in" and "7am" should NEVER be used in conjunction with one another, but this is progress, people!}

All in all, this was one of those difficult times where we had to "parent" as opposed to just being her caregivers. While it was initially hard on all of us (and anyone who lives w/in earshot of our house!), we knew we were doing the right thing for our girl.

Here's a parting shot of Herself holding court in her bed after a nap one day last week. She, like her Papa, likes to hang in bed for a while after waking up. She loves to read books, jump around (a bad habit to break another day), and dance to the radio in her crib. (Jeff just likes to try to go back to sleep when he's hanging in bed.)

Make it a good week~


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