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I don't know what's wrong with me lately. Admittedly, I'm in the midst of my bi-annual sinus/allergy hell, but that's nothing new. I just don't feel like doing anything fun. Normally, I love scrapbooking, running, even hanging in the blogosphere, but lately, I have no energy for anything other than sitting on the couch after Em goes to bed. I have even been carrying a magazine around for about a week, but can't force myself to read it. And it's a scrapbooking magazine, for goodness sakes! I don't like this feeling. Spring is here. The weather is FINALLY getting warm. I should be singing from the rooftops. But instead, I'm feeling like a lump. And I don't like it.

As a way to kick myself in the butt, I've been thinking of 3 ways that I'm blessed every night before bed. And of course, I always come up with way more than three. That does make me feel a bit better. But it's still not enough to get me out of my funk. Sigh.

I need to figure out a way to have a little pick-me-up and SOON!!

Sorry for my downer of a post. But the one thing that I'm good for is honesty, almost to a fault. And this is just where I'm at right now. It'll blow over and all will be right again soon.

Make it a good week~


Bauerfamilyof5 said...


Adri Plocinski said...

If it makes you feel any better, I find myself feeling this way all the time! Force yourself to take a walk and that will lift your spirits and energy. And I say...let's get a group of pals together...and SOON! And puh-lease don't ever apologize for being human and having feelings other than bliss.

Diana said...

yes, could it be prego time Alison! I loved the book you posted from today..Little Miss Bossy, i want to read that to E now.

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