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a Project 365 update

I haven't been posting my Project 365 pictures lately, not because I haven't been taking them, but because , well, I don't really know. But here's a few from the last few weeks.
These plantain chips from Trader Joe's are my current obsession. They're salty, crispy, and almost like a thick potato chip. My friend Nirvana got me hooked at a scrapping weekend last month, and I can't stop. And for $1.69 a bag at TJ's, who can resist?

The potty has been front and center lately. We're not potty training, per se, but when we're in there, she sits on it and is very interested in seeing what goes in the "big poppy" when we're done. She also loves the flush. Ah, to be that easily amused :) Tonite, she made pee on her potty for the first time. Who knows when this will happen again, but it's pretty cool. And kind of sad too. One more way my little girl is growing up.

We hit the zoo last Friday and Em took her first spin on the carousel. She LOVED it! I should have taken a picture of the sad pouty face she put on when she found out we had to get off.

Emerson does not sleep in the car. Ever. Period. 5 hours to visit friends in sleep. 2.5 hours to the sleep. She just doesn't do it. But for some reason, she conked out for 6 minutes on the way home from playgroup last Tuesday, and I had to get a picture. Don't worry, I was @ a stoplight. The downside to this little catnap...that was IT for naps for the day. Boo!

That's a glimpse into what we've been up to lately. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 80's, so we'll be outside all day! Hope you have a good weekend~

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