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earning her keep

Know what Emerson did today?

C'mon. Guess.

Ok, I'll tell you...she put all of the clean silverware away after the dishwasher was done. For real. Like, I didn't help her at all. Praise God for a step stool in the kitchen. I trip over the blasted thing 20 times a day, but today, I didn't mind stubbing my toes one bit.

For years, seemingly, I've been saying to Jeff "When will she be old enough to empty the dishwasher?"{It's my Most Hated Drudgery} And for years, he's said "Um, don't hold your breath."

So, when I got the wild idea that today might be the day, I was cautiously optimistic. And she bought it, hook, line, and sinker. {Love that preschoolers quiver with excitement at anything that seems "big" to them, like Mama's boring old housework. Definitely a redeeming quality of 3 1/2 year-olds.}

I'm going to milk this for all it's worth!

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