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a project

So, we've admittedly not been doing as many projects around here since, oh, mid March ;) But we do still get to do something crafty from time to time. Emerson inspired our latest endeavor. A few weeks ago, when looking at a green light in Pete's room, she asked me "Minnie (she likes to pretend that I'm Minnie Mouse), why is that green? And I said something like "Well, it's not red, and it's not blue, so it must be green." To which she replied, "Why is it green?" And I got to thinking about how yellow and blue make green. But this seemed too abstract to explain, so I resolved that I'd SHOW her.

We busted out our paints and talked a little bit about primary and secondary colors. And then we got down to business. Mixing the colors. She LOVED it. In fact, we have done "color mixing" 4 times in the last week. Yesterday, we even made a color wheel (I should have taken pictures, but sadly, I didn't.)

Anyway, I thought you might enjoy the fruits of our labor. If you haven't done color mixing with your kiddos, give it a try. They'll love it, and their kindergarten teachers will be so impressed that they know where colors come from!

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