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100 things i'm fond of

Before I get to the 100 things, I have a post script to a post from earlier this week regarding Emerson's birthday. So, out of the blue today, she says to me "I don't like birthday parties that are for me." And as I started thinking about it, it hit me like a ton of bricks...she hates, Hates, HATES when people sing "Happy Birthday" and that hatred grows exponentially when the song is directed at her. OF COURSE she doesn't want a bunch of kids at her party- they'll sing to her! When I asked her if that was the reason she didn't want kids at her party, she looked at the floor and whispered "Yes." I, being the Fairy MomMama that I am, looked her square in the eyes and promised that there would be no singing at her party. And do you know what she said? "Mama, can I have some friends come to my party?"

It might take me a while, but I get there eventually. Operation Emerson's 3rd birthday party is on like Donkey Kong.

Now, onto my 100 things. I recently saw a scrapbook page that listed (very creatively, I might add) 100 things that the creator likes. I thought that may be a fun thing to work on, but my list includes things I'm crazy about too, so I'm titling it "100 Things I'm Fond Of." And I'm going to share it here with you. Aren't you lucky? I'll be giving you little bundles of 10 every now and then. Feel free to chime in with things you're fond of as well.

These are in no particular order. Just a stream-of-consciousness kind of thing.

*palm trees
*places that have mountains and palm trees, like Palm Springs or Sicily
*olive oil
*vanilla lattes
*flip flops
*the smell of suntan lotion (do they even MAKE "suntan lotion" anymore?)
*driving stick
*clean sheets
*80's music

Happy weekend!

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