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birthday blues

Emerson's 3rd birthday is coming up, and we've been talking about what to do for a party. After much deliberation, we decided to have 3 friends for a kids party and then have some family for a separate family party a few days later. When we asked her what she thought about that this morning, she told us that she doesn't want any kids to come to her party. Just grown-ups. As a matter of fact, she has a very short guest list in mind...just her grandparents and uncle Craig. (She clearly does not yet get the correlation between number of guests and number of gifts!)

Emerson is VERY shy. I frequently arrive to various places with her nose literally up my butt as she is trying to hide. Recently, this shyness has carried over to kids as well as adults. After talking to her this morning, I felt so sad for her. I SO wish there was something I could do to ease her shyness. And to not want any kids at your own birthday party? That broke my heart. It was bothering me all day, and so I brought it up again. She had the same answer- no kids. But this time, she added one important detail.

ME- "Em, are you sure you don't want me to call Greta's mama and invite them to your party?"

E- "No thank you. (she's so polite!) I don't want any kids to come. I don't want to share."

She doesn't want to share her toys. THAT'S why she doesn't want kids at her party.

Ok, Emerson. If you want to keep all of your toys to yourself on your birthday, I guess that's ok with me. Man, her reasoning skills are WAY beyond what I give her credit for.

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