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choose joy

A wise friend and spiritual mentor recently gave a sermon about choosing joy in our lives, no matter what the circumstance, and it resonated with me. I am a person who is quick to point out the negative in a situation, so making the conscious effot to choose joy is a challenge, but one with tremendous benefits.

Case in point...

For whatever reason, Kid 1 decided that she would wake up around 2:30 last nite. I heard her singing, which sounds cute, but is really annoying in the middle of the night. I must have dozed off, because next I knew, it was 4:07 and she was in there giving a speech of some sort. Just talking and talking. I went in to sit with her for a bit and rub her back in the hopes of lulling her back to sleep. I left around 4:30, and at ten after 5, she was still up. Poor thing. So I grabbed my pillow and set of to go sleep with her.

Now, was this my idea of a good night's rest. No. Did I want to crawl into a twin bed with a long-legged, wiggly toddler? Nope. Am I looking for a repeat performance tonight? What do you think?


Would I trade the soft way she stroked my face as she snuggled onto my pillow? No way. Or the sweet way she asked if she could give ME a backrub? No way. Or the way her tiny hand fumbled in the dark to take mine and then finally drifting off to sleep holding hands with my best girl?

Not on your life.


Make it a good day~

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