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you probably won't find this funny, but...

...this is my current kiddo crack-up.

Now, looking at this, you just think it's a picture of Emerson eating some unidentified thing. It's a loaf of bread from a set of food that she got for her birthday. But the kicker is, if you ask Emerson, she's eating "bread on the cob."

And he she is, noshing on "apple on the cob."

In fact, there are many things you may never have realized come on a cob. We've had peas on the cob, watermelon on the cob, and yesterday, she even fed hay on the cob to her stuffed cow. Jeff had just cut the lawn, and she was sweeping up bits of grass to make "hay" to feed to her cow.

Why didn't anyone ever tell me how funny kids are? Sheesh.

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