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eh-tay! (that means thank you)

This post is addressed specifically to Aunty Judy, Unkie Phil (I swear, that's what she called you all on her own; we refer to you as Uncle Phil), and Masilla~

Emerson received a birthday package in the mail from you today. She was quite curious to see what was inside.

She was confused at first, to find her favorite library book. She kept saying "House book from li-be-dad."

She's just starting to "smile" for the camera. I know she looks like the Wild Woman of Borneo here, but she's' happy, I swear :)

Once she understood that the book was hers to keep instead of "sharing" it with the library, she was so excited. She started reading through it and looking for her favorite pictures. Then, out of nowhere, she said "Eh-tay. Eh-day, Masilla." So sweet. And as her Mama, I can't tell you how it makes my heart smile to hear her express gratitude. We've been working very hard to thank people who help us as we go about our days, but I'm so excited to see that she generalized it to people who weren't even present. So cool!

Needless to say, the book was a big hit! Thanks for thinking of our birthday girl!

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