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a big, hairy deal

We at the Girling house had a momentous occasion last was the first time that Emerson did not have ANY bottles. None in the morning, none at nap, none at bedtime. We've been hanging onto that bedtime bottle but decided that it was time to pull the plug. As usual, Jeff & I fretted about the best way to handle it, how Emerson would react, and if we were going to scar her for life. And as usual, she took it like a champ. We explained that she wouldn't be getting a bottle at bedtime, and that was the end of it. She didn't ask for it, didn't cry, nothing. Phew.

I guess that means that she was ready. So now, I'm off to reclaim my counter space where the bottle rack and sterilizer have been. But I'm wondering how to reclaim my baby girl????

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

WOW! What was she still doing w/ a bottle??? Good for you all for losing it!

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