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it's the little things

Howdy all~ I just want to share a little snippet of our Father's Day celebration. The three of us spent about 1/2 hour working on a project yesterday morning that still has me smiling. When visiting friends on Saturday, I noticed a framed poster on their wall that they had inked their hand and footprints on. While I've seen it a zillion times before, it hit me that it was an awesome way to capture a moment in time. So yesterday morning, we painted our fingers and toes brown, stamped them on some blue poster board, framed it, and voila', instant cool. I wasn't sure that Emerson would be on board as she hates having dirty hands, but she wanted her hands and feet painted "just like Mama & Papa." And despite the fact that it was about 140 degrees with 300% humidity yesterday, the three of us had a nice time working together.

The coolest part about this...June 21st is our wedding anniversary. So yesterday was REALLY about family for us. Celebrating the day we became a family and honoring the family we've become.

Here's the fruit of our labors...

As I said, it still makes me smile every time I walk past it. And Emerson has stopped half a dozen times in the hall to point out "Mama's foot, Papa's foot, Em's foot."

Pretty neat...

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