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musings from 11 miles

I'm training to run my 2nd 1/2 marathon in a few weeks, and seeing as Saturdays are my long run days, I had about 2 hours to do lots of thinking this morning. Here's a few random thoughts from my 11 mile run:

* Justin Timberlake's "What Goes Around Comes Around" is just about the perfect song to run to.

* The flowers and trees are all in bloom and look amazing. I love fall, but this spring is giving the autumn leaves a run for their money.

* Eastern Redbud trees are just about my favorite plant of all time. They're AMAZING right now!

* The sound of bullfrogs croaking in the marsh is unbelievably cool. I'm not a nature girl by any means, but I always turn off the iPod when I run through the marsh, just to listen to those little guys doing their thing.

* I burn about 100 calories/mile. That means I'm 1100 in the hole today. Yippee!!!

* The trees with the pink blossoms (crab apples? cherry trees? I have NO idea!!) smell the best.

* I could never run for 1+ hours without Lou Mongello's WDW Radio podcasts. If you're a Disney fan, are planning a trip, or just need to pass the time, check it out on iTunes.

* A blackberry/mango/strawberry/orange smoothie is a yummy post-run treat.

* It may be time for me to look into some new running shoes. These are beating the hell out of my toes.

* Member's Only jackets show up in the most unexpected places. Can you still buy these, or are they vintage relics? And why on earth would someone want one in poop brown?

Hope you take advantage of this glorious day. Oh, and I hope the day is glorious where you are.

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Holy poop! That's a lot of miles...kind of makes my 1.5 mile run pale in comparison..

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