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her favorite things

When Emerson was 4 months old, I created a page in her scrapbook highlighting some of her favorite things. I guess I intended to continue that monthly, but here she is at 21 months, and I have yet to create another one.

That's where this post comes in. In no particular order, these are a few of Em's favorite things.

1. Balls. She seems to have a radar for them. If we out for a walk or at a friend's house, she senses them before she even sees them. Her she is today @ Lily's house with a snazzy pink soccer ball.

2. Her binky. This was also on the 4 month old list. She sleeps with 2 in her for her, and one for "herr buddies." Speaking of her buddies, she's a Disney girl (not that THAT'S any surprise with me for a Mama.) The fab 5 share her bunk nightly.

3. Sweets. She has the Girsch sweet tooth. She has a dessert rotation of cookies, pudding {pooh-ning}, and Popsicles. This lucky duck was treated to a cupcake the size of her head at a friend's b-day party. Oh boy!

4. Animals. She loves to play with these guys everyday. She positions them on one of the end tables in the living room, and then maneuvers them all down to the carpet to "eat grass." So sweet. And don't you dare call the kangaroo's baby a baby... it's a JOEY!

5. Flags. She is OBSESSED with them. At stores, in the car, at the zoo, around our house. She loves flags. She is particularly attached to the American flag and our Iowa Hawkeye flag. Smart girl.

I'm sure this picture breaks Uncle Craig's heart...twice. :)

Make it a great week~

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