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May pics

The weather has {finally} turned to Spring, and we're loving it. Here's a few shots from the last week.Em LOVES to play with her baby. She's sure to make sure that Baby has eaten and takes naps. Here, she's putting her down for "sleeps."

I couldn't resist this adorable dress for Emerson. It's from Tea and I absolutely adore their designs. So stinkin' cute!

Eastern Redbuds have to be my favorite shrub.

{Is it weird to have a favorite shrub???}

Anyways, they're in full bloom here and I love seeing that vibrant orchid explosion as I drive around town.

Yesterday, we stopped by Grammy's to deliver some lilacs {my second favorite shrub.} It's so nice to be close by and stop in anytime!

Grammy, Emerson, and I had a girls' lunch at a train cafe in town. The food is served in little baskets delivered by model train. Em LOVES it there!

She also loves to ride the horse {which still costs $.25!} on her way out. What a fun place for kids to eat. We're lucky to live in such a darling town.

I'm off to listen to my new iTunes downloads {I'm obsessed with "Space" by Sarah Buxton} and catch up on Project 365.

Make it a good day~


1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

My sister in law sells the tea collection in her boutique if you are ever

I have a lot of the boy stuff :)

BTW...when you decide to potty train Emerson check out the book, potty training in a day, it focuses on training your "baby" and if she likes babies, she'd definitely go for it!

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