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I love where we live. We're in a large metropolitan area, but our actual town (village, technically) boasts a population of around 40,000. It's small enough where you can really get to know people and see them around, yet large enough where everyone is not in everyone else's business.

Last week, while getting an oil change, I ran into a dad of a girl I went to high school and played softball with. We gabbed and gabbed the whole time our cars were getting worked on, and the hour went by so quickly. Fun!

Yesterday at the park, we ran into two different friends that we've met through various Park District & Library "classes" that Em has taken. So fun. Not just for Emerson (who, to be honest, was pretty unaware that her friends were there), but for us. We love to be social, and having a toddler has put a damper on that aspect of our lives. But for a bit yesterday, we got to hang with our people in the same boat as us, and it was so nice.

Then today at the grocery store, I ran into a parent of a former student as well as a parent of a former classmate who lived in the same neighborhood as I did growing up. She gave me a big hug and caught me up on her kids and grandkids. It left me feeling all smiley inside.

Two doors down from us is the childhood home of another friend from Jr. high & high school. Her parents still live there, and her mom and older sister were taking some of the grandkids to the park at the end of the street as we were getting the groceries out of the car. Em & I joined them and had such a nice time talking and playing.

That's a perk of staying put and growing bump into people here and there, and it makes it feel like "home." Makes you realize that you're not all alone as you go about your day. How very nice it is, indeed.

Today, I'm smiling inside and out. And speaking of out, GET OUTSIDE and play!

Make it a good week~

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Are you rubbing it in....just a bit? Makes me a bit sad about our lack of roots. But, trust me...there's LOTS of benefits to that, too. Maybe I'll blog about it someday..

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