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missing again

Here's a recap on the last week:

M: Pete to the Dr. On antibiotics for mysterious lingering illness.
T: Emerson has a fever of 101 overnight
W: Emerson to the doctor. Diagnosis-croup.
Th: Emerson stays home from school. Fever is 104.
F: Fever is still 104. This is a long week.
F around 10:45 pm: While my stomach had been growling unhappily for an hour or so, P woke up covered in vomit. And more vomit. Repeat. Repeat again.
F around 11:30 pm: I began my date with the toilet. Jeff's stomach let him know that his turn was coming. Soon.
S around 4:30 am: I was ousted in favor of Jeff's turn.
S: Emerson went to Grammy's; Grandma came in to take care of P; Jeff and I spent the day in misery. Emerson still had a fever.
Su: Emerson went back to the Dr. Temp back up to around 104. Oh, and Pete is hacking up a lung.


I SURRENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you're so inclined, I'd greatly appreciate prayers for health for our household.

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