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look what i made!

A while back, I mentioned that I was thinking of making a pillowcase dress for Emerson. I'd like to report that I have indeed purchased some fabric- and can we talk about this fabric for a minute? Em declared on the way to the store that she wanted brown and orange-attractive- and that she wouldn't wear the dress unless it was brown and orange. I did find some somewhat cute prints in brown and orange, but let's just say that it wouldn't have been my first choice. Or even my 14th. But I digress-

I was only missing one, albeit key, component to this sewing extravaganza. A sewing machine. I was planning on working at a friend's house and thinking of maybe someday getting a machine of my own. I mentioned this to my Mother-in-law, and came to find out that she has three sewing machines. She has generously loaned me one of hers, and even showed me how to wind the bobbin, which is a feat that pert near killed me in Junior High Home Ec. But I digress again.

Before jumping right in to the brown and orange dress {that Emerson has since declared that she'll never, not ever wear }I decided to start with a simple starter project. My uber-crafty friend Shanna gave me a pattern for a cute and oh-so-basic headband. Emerson could sew this. Seriously.

I have since made not one, not two, but three reversible headbands. Two for me, and one for Herself. Which she will also not wear. {Love the kid you have. Love the kid you have. Love the kid you have...}


I couldn't get Em to wear hers at first, so I used my, ahem, other model. He was not amused.

I'd like to point out that my photographer is not yet 4 years old. Maybe she has a future behind the lens?Well, she's got it on, anyway. Anyone want a kid-sized reversible headband? I feel like it wouldn't be missed around here!


LisaMarie said...

Great job! And oh my goodness, I love the one of Pete! Haha!

Adri said...

Hey! Nevermind a kid-sized one...I'll take an adult sized one! Love it!

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