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consiliary words from target OR "your kid will grow out of that. mine did."

We took a little trip to Target today. Some of the items on the list were new rain boots (sadly, the infamous frog boots that Emerson got for her 2nd birthday no longer work for her) and new jammies.

We have tried to teach (not that it has been difficult, mind you) Emerson to know her own mind and make her own decisions, when appropriate. So it was up to her to pick her new boots. Her choices were Hello Kitty, Fireman, black with multi-colored stars, polka-dots, or pink and green plaid. Any guesses?

Of course. Fireman. At least Pete can wear them in a few years.

Fast forward to the jammies. No to Tinkerbell. And Princesses. Ditto for Hello Kitty, Dora, and plain orange popsicles and cupcakes. And a belligerent NO to any type of nightgown. She doesn't do dresses. SOOOO we made our way to the boys' section, with the hopes of finding Mickey Mouse. When what catches her eye? Star Wars jammies with little Lego guys on them. Oh. My. Goodness. This would be my last choice on the entire planet.

At which point I made some remark like "This is IT, Emerson. No more boy's jammies for you after this."

"Ok Mama. Ok."

And then I heard snickering coming from a few rows over. A mom with older girls piped up with "My 8 year-old was exactly the same way at her age. LOVED Thomas. Would only wear Thomas underwear, which they don't make for girls. But once she went to an American Girl's Birthday party, she was hooked. Now, she's as girly as the rest of them. Your daughter will come around. Don't worry."

I felt relieved, at first. But then guilt set in. Should I feel relieved? Shouldn't I just be happy with the kid I have?


Anonymous said...

Star Wars Jammies forever. If Jeff could get away with it he'd wear them!


Bauerfamilyof5 said...

When Owen was potty training, Diego hadn't come to TV yet. And, Owen LOVED Dora. They don't make Dora underwear for boys. So - guess what my little boy wore forever?? Yep - pink, ruffled Dora underwear. :). 8 years later - he's no worse for the wear...

Nirv said...

Andrew would totaly get along with Emerson. He loves Star Wars Legos!

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