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milestone pete

Ah, I have completely stunk at blogging. Oh well. I've stunk at lots of things lately. Like keeping up with journaling in Pete's journal. So, I'm going to tell you about what's he's been doing. That counts, right?

He's 10 months now, and is about 18.5 lbs. He spent the better part of 2 weeks ago tossing his cookies (and cereal and peas and ham get it.) He lost about a pound and is now working overtime to gain it back.

At 8 months, around Christmas, he started repeating "DUC," "DAH-g," and "Go". These words are "duck", "dog" and "Jiko," (our cat) respectively. He still pipes up with these words occasionally, although not usually on demand.

While he's not crawling, he does scoot all over creation. Like all the way from my bathroom through the bedroom down the hall and into the kitchen (we have a ranch). And he's into EV-RY-THING. I remember a wise friend telling me that my little boy would wreak havoc like I had never known, and I scoffed at her. Ha. Live and learn, I guess. Oh, and one more thing about scooting...I think if ALL kids tried it, no one would ever crawl. Pete can carry things with him as he moves around. That's WAY better than crawling around empty-handed, right?

He's starting to think about pulling up, but since he will only use his right arm to get up, I think we have a ways to go before he's fully there. But he's working at it and I'm amazed at how quick he is.

And last night, as we were leaving my cousin's house, we were all saying our goodbyes. Pete, aka the Smartest Baby On The Planet, started waving. Waving. Like, communicating.

That kid just makes me smile.

1 comment:

Christa said...

I told you so!!!

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