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a surprising find

My Mother-in-law gave me a subscription to Better Homes and Gardens for Christmas this year. This was not something we had discussed. In fact, I don't think I've even even flipped through an issue in my adult years. My mom always had a copy laying around when I was younger, but that's as close as I've gotten in this Millennium. So when I got the postcard in the mail saying that a year's subscription was "A Gift For Alison" a few days before Christmas, my reaction was "Huh. Ok."

BH&G always seemed like something for older people. You know, Grown Ups. People with houses and yards and...oh wait. I HAVE a house. I HAVE a yard. I'm-gasp- a Grown Up.

Ok, it's starting to make a bit more sense.

Then the January issue came. It's all about clever storage solutions and cute ways to tuck your clutter away and getting rid of junk. You know, out with the old and in with the new. And I was instantly blown away by the cover. There was a picture of a cozy office and I thought "I want a home office like that." And after reading only a few pages, a spark was lit within me. I read it on the way home in the car about an hour away, and when I got home, I ran around the house like a madwoman. I reorganized Emerson's toy shelf and threw out a bunch of crap that never gets touched. I threw out a bunch of gaudy, never seen Christmas decorations, and started a pile to donate to charity. I dug some storage bins out of the crawlspace and made plans to reorganize Pete's stuff. And all this after only reading 15 pages or so!

Last night, I had a minute and sat down with it again. And once again, it's like someone lit a fire under my bum. I went through the drawers in my know, the ones that I open once every 2 years! I condensed 3 drawers of crap (including my yellow and black Sony Walkman...WHY do I still have that?!?!?!) into one and also made a plan to paint a picture frame and put it in Emerson's room.

I think I'm going to start sleeping with it under my pillow. Maybe I can get inspired while I sleep.

Anyways, long story short, this ain't your mother's Better Homes and Gardens, so check it out sometime.

1 comment:

Adri said...

Hmmm...perhaps this is the subscription for me! A tidy office? Is it possible for me to correct my hoarding ways? Funny. You have peaked my interest; however, I never have the time to read magazines, unless it's in the bathroom! :o) And I can relate to this too because my MIL gave me a subscription to Woman's Day, and it made me feel older too. What do I get out of it? Recipes! You make meals while sporting my ol' lady apron!

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