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i have so much to tell you

But, alas, I cannot. You see, it's "Wave Season." The time of year when people look out the window and say "Baby, it's cold outside." Or at the very least "Baby, I need a change of scenery." For a travel planner, this is like Christmas. But it's crazy, CRAZY busy. Like, I-hardly-have-time-to-breathe busy.

So I can't stay long. Can't tell you about the Christmas gift that has literally keeps on giving. Or how Emerson seems to be over the hump of 3 and is now quite enjoyable almost all the time.. Or how I spent a wonderful girls' weekend with my mom and cousin and a bunch of other scrapbookers doing nothing, nothing but scrapping.

Nope, can't tell you about those things. Not tonight. Because I'm off to research cruises from Fort Lauderdale.

Catch up with you soon, I promise!

1 comment:

Adri said...

You know, I've been thinking over the past month that my guys might be over the terrifying 3's. I am really digging this age now and don't want them to grow any more! I'd like to just freeze them as is for awhile. :O) I would like to hear about the xmas gift that keeps on giving!

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