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pete made me cry today

I had a take-your-breath-away moment this morning. When I went in to get Pete out of his crib, he was sitting up.

He was sitting up.

Now, I know this is just one of a number of milestones that babies reach in their first year. But this one was particularly big for me. Pete is only using one arm to push himself up. He's like Bam-Bam with that one arm, let me tell you.

After more than a month away from therapy, tummy time, exercising, and having us contorting him into all kinds of awkward positions solely so that he can roll out of them, I was quite worried that we had lost major ground. And at his 9 month check-up last week, I was crushed to have to answer "no" to 3 out of 4 of the milestone questions.

nurse: "Is he pulling to standing?"

me: (WHAT?!?!?!) "Um, no."

nurse: "Is he crawling?"

me: "No." {pout}

nurse: "Can he get from laying to sitting by himself?"

me: "No." {sulk}

nurse: "Does he mimic sounds like ma-ma and da-da?"

me: "YES!! Yes, he does THAT!"

So, when I went in there this morning and saw him sitting up like it's an everyday occurrence to do this unassisted, yes, I cried. Well, first I shouted "Jeff, Pete is SITTING," which startled him and caused him to fall over and hit his head. Sorry, Bug.

I'm just so, SO proud of my little man. Love you, Bug!


LisaMarie said...

Congrats Pete! :) That picture is too's like he's saying, "Meeee? I did that?!"

Adri said...

YEAH PETE! Congrats. Way to make your proud!

Didi :o) said...

Meant to say...way to make your MAMA proud! :o)

Anonymous said...

linnnnnnnnnnndo, adorei conhecer esse garotinho muito fofo, e continue assim fazendo seus pais se orgulharem de vc...beijuuus

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