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can we talk for a minute about having a son?

So...Mr. Pete has a new trick. He has recently discovered his, um, 5th limb, and likes to tug at it when I'm changing his diaper. As if that is not disconcerting enough, he giggles hysterically whenever he touches it.


It's all downhill from here, isn't it.


testing312 said...

Yep, he'll be doing that for the rest of his life. (At some point he'll just giggle in his head)

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Yeah...I don't know if that's gender based. My boys have never had a lot of interest in their's - except to pretend to pee on one another. But, I have a few friends w/ girls - who say that the girls won't stop digging around in that area??

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