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these eyes

These eyes...

* were the color of blueberries when she was a wee babe, but are slowing turning to hazel, just like her Papa

* scruch up when she throws her head back and laughs

* fill with tears when things don't go her way

* make me laugh when they're pretending to belong to Donald Duck or Minnie Mouse or baby Goofy

* sometimes (and lately, more often than not) test the boundaries of acceptable behavior

* will, along with the rest of Herself, be starting preschool on Tuesday

* have a love/hate relationship with her baby brother. Mostly love, though. Today she went over to him without any prompting from anyone and threw her arms around him while saying "I love you, Pete."

*have been with me for 3 years, but I can't remember life before them

* have an amazing future ahead of them

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