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yep. i'm still pregnant

And I'm starting to get belligerant about it. With Emerson, she was out and home by now. But Deuce is adhearing to a more conventional timetable. I guess I shouldn't complain...the longer he/she "cooks," the better it will be. But this whole labor and delivery thing is somewhat all consuming in my thoughts.

I had a dr. appt this morning, and I'm still 60% effaced and 1-2 cm dialated. Not much change from last week. I'm not gonna lie...I came home in a snit about it. My whole mood and attitude was awful this morning. Couple that with a 2 1/2 year-old who has a cold and is feeling rather defiant, and well, it was a long, LONG morning. Mercifully, she took a nap, and I used the time to clear my head and get some rest. While I was mulling over the day, I had a revelation. What if I DO go into labor today? What if this morning was my very last bit of time alone with just me and Em? That stopped me dead in my tracks.

No way. Nuh-uh. I'm not going out like that.

That one thought was enough to make me realign my priorities, my mood, and my attitude. And from the time Emerson woke up, it was a tale of 2 days. The rest did her a world of good, and I'd like to think that she fed off of my improved 'tude and improved her own. And do you know what? We had a great time together this afternoon. Not a lot of fussing, arguing, or counting to 3. Just some good, old fashioned girl time with my favorite Tootsie.

That's what it's all about.

Make it a great end of the week!

1 comment:

Adri said...

Remember the first six weeks with Emerson when you wanted to put her back?? Just thought I'd send a reminder. Be careful what you wish for! Ha.ha.ha. Hopefully that brought a smile, because we all know there really is nothing we can say or do at this point to help you. You have the gift of hindsight now with this being your second labor, so although you'll feel relieved very soon, you'll also be feeling a whole host of other things! Glad you got it turned around yesterday. The Plocinski's will come armed and prepared with a meal once you are settled into your nest of 4!!!

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