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musings from a frigid day

Since the "real-feel" temp never got above zero here today, we were home bound. And that makes for a looong day. But Emerson was full of giggles today, and having a friend over to play definitely broke up the monotony. Here's some thoughts that popped into my mind today...

*When the recipe for homemade playdough says it'll keep in an airtight container for several months, that does not mean 8+ months. Guess I'll be making a new batch tomorrow.

*I hate that while Emerson is looking at playtime as a fun adventure, I'm looking at it from the perspective of how much mess I'll be cleaning up. I really need to lighten up on that one.

*Vacuuming inside the closet while the cat is sleeping there can lead to a heart attack on 2 counts...the cat and the vacuumer, who pert near got run over as said cat fled to safety.

*This pregnancy has seemingly ruined salmon for me. It just does not taste good anymore, and I'm sure even after I deliver, I'll remember this odd-taste. Bummer, 'cuz I used to like salmon.

*I'm sad that all day, I looked forward to cleaning the kitchen. Again, I really need to lighten up.

*Being home bound has it's advantages...the house is vacuumed, the sink is scrubbed, the kitchen is clean, and I did 5 loads of laundry. AND I got lots of playtime with my little girlfriend.

*One of my biggest accomplishments of the day was that Emerson only watched one 1/2 hour episode of TV ALL DAY!!! You don't know how tempted I was to just turn it on all afternoon...

*I {may} explode from heartburn any day now. I woke up @ 3am to a volcanic eruption in my chest. I H.A.T.E heartburn.

*After spending time with a friend with a 2 year-old and an infant, I realize that I'm completely unprepared to have 2 kids. Oh Lord, please give me strength. (And give some to Shanna while you're at it, Lord. Or sleep...I know she'd appreciate that.)

*I'm really enjoying Christmas carols this year. And yes, they're Christmas carols. Not Hanukkah songs or Kwanzaa carols. Deal with it.

*It's really funny to me that Emerson is now old enough to actually play WITH a friend, as opposed to parallel playing. She kept saying things like "Come on, Greta. Let's go to the jungle," or "Let's go to the mall" (both of which involve walking ad naseum around the dining room table, by the way) And bless Greta's little heart, she'd do as Emerson commanded. Em loved being "the leader."

*One of my favorite moments of the day came when I had a tea party with two 2 year-olds, and a stuffed penguin, polar bear, and moose. It really is the simple things in life. Moments like that make me count my blessings that I get to stay home with my little girl.

Stay safe and warm tonite.

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