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buh bye

Know what I did tonight? C'mon, just guess.

Give up?

I put away all of our baby bottles. Pete had his last bottle over the weekend and we haven't looked back. Well, some of us haven't looked back. Pete, for his part, still asks for his "badow" every night, but he's getting over it.

These bottles are gonzo. Like in ziplock baggies and in a box headed for the basement. Cleared off the counter where the drying rack has lived for the past 20 months. Cleaned out the cabinet where the bottles have been since 2007. Smiled BIG the whole time. Felt the teensiest, tiniest twinge of sadness, but not for the reason you'd think. You see, I felt bad because I wasn't feeling bad. Didja catch that? I felt absolutely no uterine contractions whatsoever, and then felt bad because I'm over the the whole baby phase.

So what's THAT all about?

1 comment:

Melissa Kaser said...

where's your "like" button? :) Can't really call him "baby pete" anymore

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