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reaching out

I have read over and over again that when we pray, God always responds in one of 3 ways: yes, no, or now right now. I have seen countless examples of this in my own life. Sometimes, prayers are answered literally the same day. Sometimes, it's a clear "No." (Still haven't give up hope on that purple Corvette that I prayed for when I was 5...) Lots of times, it's a "Not now." My teaching job, for example. God had a plan and His timing was the right timing for us. It's so reassuring that He's in charge, and all I have to do is to trust Him!

Recently, I reached out to a friend and invited her to The Alpha Course, which is being offered at our church. I was nervous to extend the invite, as we have not really discussed religion at length. I put it off for a few weeks, but finally worked up the nerve to type an email and took a deep breath as I hit "Send." I think I even said, out loud, "Now, I just wait and see."

I was struck with the thought that she'll either say yes, no, or not now. I never thought about it like that before, but I realized that in my own walk of Faith, I've done the same thing to God. I've told Him "No- I don't want to mess with religion at this point in my life." I've said "Not now. I'm too busy with ________ to learn more about Christ." And, thankfully, I eventually said "Yes, I believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior!"

If I weren't so tired, I'm sure I could think of something epic to say to wrap this all together for you, but the fact that I even had the thought at all at this point is a freaking miracle unto itself.

1 comment:

Sassy said...

I`ve never stopped to think of it like that, but it`s so true!

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