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he hates me...

As I sit here on the eve of Pete's 6 week birthday, I have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach.

He hates me.

I feel like I'm just a pair of boobs to my little boy. But when he's not hungry, he has little use for me. And when he's crying, tired, and upset, fuggetaboutit. That's when he REALLY hates me. As of this week, I can't seem to get this kid to sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time during the day. And when he wakes up fussy and crying, nothing I do will soothe him. He just grunts and fusses and wails, and the only thing that will calm him is nursing, no matter if it's "time" or not.

I remember rocking with Emerson when she was in the first few months, desperately trying to get her to sleep, and thinking to myself "What will I do with this kid when I have another who needs to nap?!?!" I resolved that I'd cross that bridge when I came to it.

I believe we are there.

So now what do I do? I can't have a kid who takes 30 minutes to get to sleep (do you know the havoc Emerson can wreak in 30 minutes. And multiply that by 3 naps a day.) And since I'm the only adult here during the day on most days, he's stuck with little ol' me.

Help! I really mean it. HELP!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Allison,
I have SOOO been there, SOO many times; It's so hard with an older one around that needs you too. Have you tried the Baby Bjorn for Pete? I used to walk around the house with Owen in mine, and he would sleep. With the twins, we had to let them cry it out, even at 6 weeks, because I couldn't hold two at one time, and got exhausted swiching between them. 6 weeks is the toughest time, you'll get through it! :)

Carrie Streib Hayen

Adri said...

This may seem silly to say, because I'm sure you've tried it, but I'll say it anyway in case you've forgotten about it in your sleep deprivation. Have you tried swaddling? Even if you have and it doesn't work, don't stop trying. Just like your toddler, your newborn may not like something one week but then go for it the next. Same thing goes for baby papisan with a soother/vibrating button. Or soft music? Baby swing? Pacifier? And if nothing else, as Carrie Streib just gotta let him cry. I too constantly had one screaming his lungs out, and I had no choice but to bear the screams. It's so hard. Your body just feels like a piece of meat that vultures are swooping in on. Just keep telling yourself it will get better. It has to! He won't be stuck on those boobies at Em's age. Just think of that and maybe you'll get a good chuckle. :o)

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Oh honey, I so feel your pain. Having 2 kids (babies)...then so not the same as when you have one. I remember thinking (non stop), why oh why did I think having one child was hard???? It stinks. I think that I survived by just allowing my self the knowledge to know that I am doing the best that I can. So, if he has to cry longer then Emerson ever had to and at a much earlier age, that's OK. You are doing the best you can. He knows it. You know it. And, that's the best you can do. Hang in there.

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