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she is 18 months old today

Has anyone seen this baby girl? She used to live at my house, but now I can't seem to find her anywhere. I'm afraid that I've lost her. Do you know where she is?
Oh, there's still a precious girl living at my house, but she's nothing like this girl. The girl who lives here now walks, talks, sings {La Bamba at 4:30 this morning!}, has an opinion about everything {and it's usually NO!}, loves puzzles, is into fingerpainting, popping bubbles, chasing the cat, and exploring everything. She can sit in the car for more than 10 seconds without screaming, is interested in playing with other kids, eats the same food as we do, and loves to make silly noises to make us laugh. The girl who lives here now is 18 months old today. 18 months. That's twice as long on the outside as she was on the inside. That's a real kid.
Holy cow. When did this happen? Will it happen again? Will I blink and then realize that my 18 month old is going to Kindergarten? High School? Getting married?
I guess this is what Motherhood is all about, huh?

1 comment:

Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Oh, goes SO fast. I can't believe that my first baby is 8. Where did it go? And, what's worse is that I have trouble remembering. I don't remember what they were like as, so sad....

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