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today was the best day

I'm beaming from the day! We had the best, THE BEST day! Nothing fancy, but just perfect. It was the way I'd envisioned being a stay-at-home-mom would be before I ever even got pregnant. And given that Herself has had NUMEROUS timeouts in the last few days for hitting, pinching, throwing toys, and general disorderly conduct, today was even sweeter.

Emerson slept until 7:30 (!!!), which is reason enough to celebrate. But that extra sleep must have done wonders because she's been in the best mood all day: Playful and laughing and kind and loving. She even tried to share her Binky with Jiko the cat. Too funny.

We had our class @ Gymboree this morning, which is always a crowd pleaser. I think she and Gymbo the Clown are an item. Then home to play (and we even got outside for a bit because it was over 50 here today...YIPPEE!) Then snack, fingerpainting, ring-around-the-dining-room-table, lunch, and nap.

After naptime, we went to Trader Joe's, which she loves because they give out balloons to the kiddos. We also hit the gas station, where we played inside & out peek-a-boo while the tank filled up. And then through the car wash...her eyes were literally filled with wonder as we rode through the wash. She loved the "hairdryer" {HA-ta-ta in her language} at the end.

Then home and more time chasing her down the sidewalk outside as it was just gorgeous out. Next was a snack of kiwi & blueberries, read books, and make dinner. Even THAT was great. She happily alternated between watching Jack's Big Music Show and helping me "stir" things.

Right now, she's playing darts with her Papa while giggling wildly. was a great day. I hope yours was too.
p.s. the picture is from last night...we made our first fort using pillows and cushions from the basement couch. As you can see, Emerson didn't think it was fun at all. Both Jeff & I LOVED making forts as kids. I'm sure we'll build some great ones with Em. So fun!

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