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bring it on, Phil

On this Groundhogs Day eve, I find myself thinking about the promise of 6 more weeks of winter. While I DID appreciate the thaw that Mother Nature bestowed upon us this weekend (sadly, not in time for my 7:30 am run at the Arboretum yesterday!!), I feel like we've already had MORE than our share of cold and snow. My husband would be quick to point out, right about now, that less than one month ago, I was in sunny, warm Florida for 5 days. True. But that was a vacation. This is reality. And the reality is that we're all getting a bit stir crazy. There are only so many indoor things one can do with an 18 month-old in tow. And I feel like we're burning through that list quite rapidly. Even Emerson is over it. We drive by the park at the end of our street quite regularly, and she often points, says "Pah," or even sighs. So bring us the Springtime, Punxsutawney Phil.


p.s. I promise that more Project 365 pictures will be here soon. I HAVE kept up, but don't feel like I've had anything terribly fun to share lately. It's just not been a fun week.

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