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a public service announcement


The teacher in me feels compelled to bring this to your attention. After reading these often mixed up words in our YMCA book last week, I would like to offer a little lesson in grammar.

Suppose VS. Supposed-

Example 1: I suppose that it's time to clean the basement, as it hasn't been cleaned in about a month.

Example 2: I was supposed to get milk on the way home, but I forgot.

See the difference?

EXAMPLE OF MISUSE: I was suppose to be there at 8, but I was late. ARRRRGGGHHH!!!! It should say "supposed to be there..."

Use VS. Used-

Example 1: I need to use the phone.

Example 2: If you take a minute to get used to the water, it won't feel so cold.

Now, I know that when you read these out loud, they both sound the same. But, trust me, they are grammatically correct.

EXAMPLE OF MISUSE: Emerson needs a few days to get use to a new routine. ARRRRRGGGGHHH AGAIN!! It should say "to get used to a new routine."

Ok, people...get out there and teach someone!



Unknown said...

Sometimes I read your blog and am amazed at how much you say or write what I'm thinking! It's as if I am writing my own thoughts, crazy. I love your clutter blog-totally me. I can't describe it but I enjoy reading your blog and don't know why I was not a "follower" until now. I think it was just my inept way around websites or laziness to sign in?? I don't know. Anyway, I find your blog "neat". Thanks :)

Adri said...

Great advice...wish more people would get this memo. Truth be told, even an English teacher gets it wrong from time to time. I have admittedly incorrectly used "suppose/supposed." Thanks for the reminder!

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