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he's a pincushion

I had an interesting chat with the anesthesiologist today. Turns out that Pete was an eyelash from having his surgery cancelled...they couldn't get the IV in! He has pokes in his hand, feet, side, neck, 3 on his forehead (!!!), and they finally got it in on the side of his head. She had to use ultrasound and Doppler to find a vein. They have the same problem with me. Add a family history of stinky veins with dehydration (due to not having fluids after midnight), and it was quite a challenge.

When we went back to Recovery to see him, he looked like Massive Headwound Harry. It was a bit jarring at first. Today, we've had some entertainment counting all of his pokes. Emerson thinks it's pretty funny, but mark my words, she's filing it away in her "gotta have surgery" file. She's not going to soon forget that her brother turned into a pincushion.


Bauerfamilyof5 said...

Poor baby :( - I always feel bad for my patients that have to get poked multiple times. Yuck! Glad it all went well, though :)

LisaMarie said...

I've been away for a while....sorry I missed being able to give you and your family some words of love and prayer but I am so glad that everything went well (besides the ouchy IV stuff)! Hope he recovers wonderfully! Thoughts are with you and Pete (and family).

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